Monday, March 14, 2011

Wooden 2 Seater Go Kart

Gelmini: "Gli insegnanti sono troppi in piazza chi manda i figli alle private"

Il ministro a 'Che tempo fa': "Per questo li paghiamo troppo poco". Polemica con i manifestanti di sabato

MILANO - La ricetta di Maristella Gelmini è: "Meno insegnanti, più soldi". Questo il succo di una intervista del ministro a "Che tempo fa" sui Rai3. Perché "gli insegnanti sono troppi rispetto al bisogno in Italia, e sono pagati pochissimo proprio perchè sono troppi. Dobbiamo pagarli adeguatamente, ma se cresce il numero all'infinito sono proletarizzati". E a proposito di posti di lavoro, il ministro se la prende anche con the caretakers. "Another problem, for example, is that there are almost two hundred thousand and six hundred thousand euro to spend cleaning. There are more police officers and janitors who have dirty classrooms." For

Gelmini "the real point is that of resources, but how they are invested. The government has not made cuts in school, but to waste. The expense for the school in recent years has in fact increased by 30 percent , has not diminished. " Then a controversy

front the event throughout Italy for a the Constitution and public schools. "An event is entirely legitimate, but which arises from a mistaken assumption: that the government has attacked the school public opinion. "And again:" Many took to the streets send their children to private school. It is not a contradiction, but I find it incongruous, perhaps they have no confidence in public schools. "The minister insists that the last reform," there were no cuts in school, but cuts in wasteful "


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