Moody's, dopo
We start from Moody's decided to lower a "notch", the sovereign rating of Spain, "Aa2" against "Aa1" than before. For more with negative outlook. In a press release. Moodv s gives two reasons for its decision: first place his feeling that the potential cost of restructuring Banking exceed current estimates of the government, leading to a further increase in the rate of public debt; The second reason is "the outstanding concerns of Moody's on the ability of the English Government to obtain the necessary structural improvement and sustainable public finances, given the limitations of central government control on the finances of the regional governments and the context of only moderate economic growth in the short and medium term. "
The Moody's announcement comes the same day that
But where there is growth? For Italy it's hard, Giampaolo Galli said yesterday in a hearing in camera. For the Director General of Confindustria, if the oil will settle around $ 115 a barrel in the next two years the GDP will grow by 0.7% less than expected. For Galli "the recessionary effects arising from increases in raw materials may be exacerbated by increases in interest rates announced by monetary authorities, and the resulting exchange rate appreciation of the euro."
And, by the increase in rates, the bad news is that those on Btp annual auction in Italy yesterday have paid more than 2% interest. In the coming months, the Italian public debt burden will be heavier and have convinced many analysts (including on "recommendations" of the ECB) will be launched before the summer that a new corrective action. Especially if growth will remain sluggish, as evidenced by the Istat data on industrial production in January. A depressed stock markets, in addition to Libya, yesterday were the data on initial claims for unemployment benefits edged up by 4.3% in a week just below the threshold of 400 000 applications. There is fear that the strong recovery dell'occupazione in febbraio possa già essersi esaurita.
MARCEGAGLIA • Ruggisce ma perde in casa
Assumo 250 giovani e li pago 1.700 euro netti al mese. E poi dicono che la presidente di Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia non è un'imprenditrice democratica. Il sogno è durato poche settimane, poi la realtà è venuta a galla con prepotenza: gli assunti saranno 200, una parte lavorerà su 10 turni settimanali e una parte sarà costretta a fare 26 ore di straordinari al mese. I primi guadagneranno 960 euro netti al mese, i secondi 1.150. Lo denuncia Mirco Rota, segretario della Fiom lombarda. Emma Marcegaglia usa gli stessi Marchionne of blackmail with the trade unions and workers: either vote yes or no will do new hires. Based on this diktat, and with the active support of the FIM, which has come to organize a separate meeting to persuade workers to agree to support the hypothesis, was held yesterday at Lecco Marcegaglia of a referendum, considered illegal by the Fiom , where you were just 51 out of 123 claimants. 9 are not and, importantly, only 50% went to the polls. Morale, the quorum was not reached and the referendum "is void."
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