Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Can I Buy Hydroment Grout

Marco Bersani, Renato Di Nicola and Marco Villa Palermo at the Municipal Rose Garden to reiterate the NO to the privatization of water

Photos of Ida Prosperi
From left. Renato Di Nicola, Marco Palermo Marco Bersani
Roseto: The splendid Villa Comunale di Roseto saw yesterday, Tuesday, March 15, 2011, Renato Di Nicola (Abruzzo Social Forum), Marco Palermo Marco Bersani ( ATTAC - Italia), riuniti insieme per ribadire il NO alla la privatizzazione dell’acqua. “L’acqua non si vende”....
I tre hanno  partecipato al meeting organizzato dal Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni, sottolineando l’importanza della partecipazione democratica alle scelte fondamentali della vita del paese. Circa un mese fa, la Corte Costituzionale ha ammesso i requisiti referendari per la ripubblicizzazione dell’acqua e contro il nucleare; il Governo ha definito le date in cui gli italiani saranno chiamati a votare. Per questo gli esponenti dei movimenti per l’acqua chiedono che la tornata referendaria sia accorpata a quella delle elezioni amministrative, che si realizzeranno probabilmente il 16 maggio 2011. Un risultato ottenuto grazie alla sottoscrizione di 1 milione e 400 mila firme, di uomini e donne contrari ad una gestione privata del servizio idrico.

Marco Palermo, Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni
“Il passaggio dell’acqua in mani private –   sottolinea Marco Palermo, Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni  – porterebbe inevitabilmente ad un aumento dei prezzi e una conseguente perdita qualitativa della risorsa. Il nostro obiettivo รจ di democratically influence the choices of public bodies. The referendum is substantial expression of democracy, a means for citizens to exercise popular sovereignty . Only in Abruzzo there are 12 zonal coordinators, with the cooperation of governments, which seek and believe the interests of the well water.

Renato Di Nicola, Abruzzo Social Forum
" We have fought and continue to do so, against the exploitation of resources; - explains Renato Di Nicola, Abruzzo Social Forum - with our battles we have had some real victories, we are committed mostly by focusing on defense and resistance, as our actions are not aimed at profit or gain. The water should bring people together toward a single goal, to say No to privatization, say NO to the control of political parties and industrialists, the voting is essential to defeat the strategy of silence and abstention " . The arguments focus on the three modes of battle, pursued by thousands of organizations across Italy, through dialogue with people through the door to door, through meetings, as with that Roseto.

Marco Bersani, ATTAC - Italy
"The global crisis is a crisis in social, economic, ecological and democratic - Marco Bersani points out, ATTAC - Italy - the solution lies in solving problems together, since all connected by a common thread. Starting from the fundamental concept that the commons are not privatized, would lead to an eventual transition? All citizens would be forced to buy water from a private unable to manage the resource. It follows an increase in rates, a reduction of labor costs and reduced quality of service. Who wins in this? Certainly not the citizens, but the few financial groups, to the detriment of the entire population, which should be slowly depleted . Consolidating the referendum for local office - he concludes - would save more than € 400 million, which would weigh on the pockets of the entire community . After the national demonstration to be held in Rome on 26 March in Piazza della Repubblica "Vote yes to referendum Water common good ", will be sold flags to hang on the windows of the water to raise the community. Meanwhile there are already water bottles common good would be achieved with a small donation going to the website www.referendumacqua.i t . Also, anyone who would join the committee rose for public water can do so by subscribing to acqua.pubblica.roseto @ on Facebook: Public Water Committee Roseto, or by contacting the cell. 328.1098528.


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