Sunday, March 13, 2011

Are Bananas Good For You If You Have Gallstones

L'incredibile Kikko

Credere a quello che dice Kikko Testa era, fino a ieri, una missione dispera­ta. Da oggi è una missione impossibi­le. Venerdì sera, mentre il reattore nu­cleare di Fukushima preoccupava il mondo, Kikko era in tivù a dire: tutto sotto controllo. Ieri mattina, mentre le agenzie giapponesi parlavano di un'esplosione nella centrale nucleare, con distruzione della gabbia protetti­va del reattore e rilevazioni di cesio ra­dioattivo, sul sito del Forum nucleare (presidente Kikko Testa) il titolo era questo: «La Fukushima station is under control, "so a proper update until mid-day.

Luckily Kikko is young and youthful. Was older he could reassure the people of Vajont ('re calm, two drops of water). But this man so optimistic, one that the Titanic would have asked the orchestra to keep playing loudly and ordered more champagne, we need to thanks. Thank Kikko know exactly what would happen here if we had nuclear power plants. We would not know anything.

In a country where just a bag of rubbish seems an insurmountable problem, the nuclear waste would be presented harmless as candy (something which is already made in the ad misleading the Nuclear Forum, suspended by the jury to manifest paraculaggine).

In case of accident, Kikko would tell us that all is well, everything is ok, under control, without risk, beviamoci above and not think about it anymore. With a simple appearance on TV, Kikko explained exactly how the lie about the risks inherent to the interests both of the nuclear industry, like a good deal worth more than life and health of the people for generations. A calm and elegant man, we should say thank you for willing obstinacy with which helps us not to believe him, even for a minute.

Alessandro Robecchi


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