Tuesday, March 15, 2011

President George Cb Radio For Sale

An address to save the hospital in Atri

Press City:
Pineto: More than 200 arrived in the mail within 48 hours and sent abroad, the nationals from Pineto but emigrated for work reasons. She's having successfully promoted ....
by the City of Pineto "An address to save the hospital in Atri," promoted through the official website of the City Adriatic. Anyone can send an email in support of pinetese, to prevent the health care Atriana be penalized, the cardiology department is halved with the closure of the Coronary Intensive Care Unit. "They came mail from Germany, Switzerland, Argentina," the Mayor Luciano Monticelli, "there are also some touching. One in particular of a boy who lives in the Valley and up who needs care that is provided by the cardiology of our hospital. He says he will fight with us to prevent the hospital in Atri to be penalized. " The initiative also joined members of the center-right of the lobby area and have therefore decided to send the mail to the City of Pineto, ruled by center-left administration, confirming that the "battle" for the protection of San Liberatore, Atri is a common, cross-cutting. So no political identity. "This makes us proud," says the mayor pinetese, "as confirmation that our initiative is not just for abstract ... Not at all. Here's a question of the health of citizens. In addition we are pursuing legal action because we want to go before the Tar. It is possible that we should penalize our hospital which also covers a good portion of users of the area of \u200b\u200bMontesilvano. So much so that we also received some emails of citizens residing in the City. The collection of mail will go ahead and do not exclude at this point even to organize a public demonstration. "


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