Comunicato CCiclAT:
Teramo. Il Coordinamento Ciclabili Abruzzo Teramano (CCiclAT) rende noto che è stato pubblicato dall'Unione Europea il bando per il programma LIFE relativo all'anno 2011.
Il programma LIFE finanzia progetti che contribuiscono allo sviluppo e all'attuazione....
della politica e del diritto in materia ambientale facilitando, in particolare, l'integrazione delle questioni ambientali nelle altre politiche e, in linea più generale, contribuisce allo sviluppo sostenibile. Tra le priorità per l'Italia c'è anche l'Ambiente Urbano. Projects should contribute to improved implementation of existing policy and legislation in environmental matters at the local level by supporting and encouraging local authorities to adopt a more integrated approach to urban management, including the sectors of transport and energy. The notice should refer to the specific national aims to promote alternative forms of mobility and chassis also implemented using awareness raising on the occasion of National Day of the bicycle, and to support national programs for sustainable mobility. In particular, initiatives will focus apromuovere bike-sharing agreements, construction of parking lots for bicycles and, more importantly, the bike lanes. "It 's a chance - said the Co-ordination - that the government can not lose. The future of our region is also based on the development of alternative mobility, especially cycling, which may contribute, in addition to solving the problems of urban traffic the development of sustainable tourism "Now it is municipalities and provinces to respond to the invitation with bankable projects, making full use of the skills that exist on our territory. "In fact - underlined the CCiclAT - Bodies of province of Teramo in them often have offices that deal with intercept and European funding when you do not have can rely on the numerous development agencies operating in our territory. The deadline is July 18 but we must start work immediately. "
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