Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Al via la nona edizione del premio letterario nazionale Marconi di scrittura giovanile con la collaborazione di Provincia e edizioni Tracce

Comunicato Provincia:
Pescara: There are about 600 schools involved across Italy, to attend the ninth edition of the National Literary Prize "Marconi" Writing for young people. The announcement was made yesterday at a press conference by the Provincial Culture, Fabrizio ....

Rapposelli, the headmaster of the Liceo Marconi, Angelo Lucio Rossi, by Professor Giancarlo Giuliani and Nicoletta Di Gregorio Traces of the publisher. The competition is open to the section of unpublished poetry in Italian children aged 14 to 20 years. The works must be submitted in 6 copies, not later than April 10, 2011 to the secretariat Marconi National Literary Prize in editions Traces, by Eugenia Ravasco 54, 65123 Pescara. The award is dedicated to Micol Cavicchia, high school student, who died prematurely at age 14. "The award resumed after several years of stop - said Rapposelli - the will of the school in collaboration with traces shows once a great industry to propose more important initiatives." "It 's nice that the school is self-referential, but it moves along with the other," added the head teacher, Rossi. "The award is important - said Nicoletta Di Gregorio - because it encourages kids to write. You will be also published an anthology with poems both winners of the editions of the finalists by tracks. " The outcome of the contest will be announced through the media. The prizes are: 1st prize € 750, 2nd prize 400 €, 3rd prize € 250. Special prize plate "Armando Giuliani." Finalists will receive a personalized license plate. The award ceremony will take place in May at the cinema Massimo. The date will be announced in coming days.


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