Terremoto Giappone e nucleare: censored information. Video
published by Ecoblog
Very Severe censorship on information the Japanese as the world fears the consequences of the earthquake and tsunami on nuclear plants Fukushima. According to Pio D'Emilia, Italy sent on Sky TG24 in Japan, the Japanese NHK television would have been censored one of its own journalist for the news that the workers of the central TEPCO Fukushima, affected by a violent explosion that blew air in the building containing the reactor nucleare , sarebbero in fuga.
Tecnici ed operai, in pratica, si starebbero rifiutando di lavorare al reattore per paura di restare contaminati. Subito dopo l’annuncio di questa notizia, perĂ², in diretta l’anchor man del Tg giapponese ha detto: “questa notizia non andava letta”.
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