Domenica 13 marzo alle 19,30
In piazza il popolo delle primarie del centro sinistra
Fedeli alla linea che avevamo sottoscritto e proposto ai nostri concittadini, il vincitore delle primarie ed ora nostro candidato sindaco, Enzo Lacorte, è stato proposto al PD. Il tentativo di riunire sotto un’unica ‘casa ‘tutto il centrosinistra grottagliese per convergere sul nome del candidato sindaco unico o in alternativa ricorrendo alle primarie con Ciro Alabrese, non è riuscito because of the refusal to check opposed by the Democratic Left against PD composed by SEL, Federation of the Left and Grottaglie future city. The position of the PD and the refusal is exercised in the circumstances fully confirm its strategy 'consensus at all costs', from fishing to get even with both hands in a basin of clear political tradition of the right. Other derived neocentrista here has even gone 'beyond', although the consensus pick up left and right. This pattern of degradation of the center, we repeat, is not ours and never will agree.
then Desist from this location to avoid stress on the road wrong and at the same time overcome the experience of the outgoing government administration. This is our decision which have already been rewarded by the extraordinary consensus achieved in the primaries for us is a real point of departure for the forthcoming local elections in which citizens will be able to confirm its willingness to change.
The center-left coalition has decided that citizens will meet next Sunday, March 13 at 19.30 in Piazza Principe di Piemonte with a rally where the speakers will be Enzo Lacorte (SEL), which compete for the coalition to carica di primo cittadino , Giuseppe Vinci e Ciro Trani entrambi capilista , il primo per Grottaglie Città Futura il secondo per la Federazione della Sinistra.
causa pioggia, il comizio è stato rinviato ad altra data.
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