Next May 6 general strike called by the CGIL is presented as a great opportunity for change in our country.
will not be a given ritual, and this has already been shown not only how it was literally built from the bottom, the fighting of recent months, but also by the fact that the launch of "four hours" made by the secretariat has already been extended to the whole day many categories, from commerce to the public sector, telecommunications to construction, and proposed by the Secretary-General to the category of metalworkers.
In recent months the struggle for rights, democracy and dignity hanno attraversato piazze e strade da sud a nord, riempiendosi di centinaia di migliaia di persone, donne e uomini che dall'università e dalla fabbrica, dalle loro case dai loro territori, sono usciti rendendo visibile un'idea altra e diversa di società da quella che sembra essere l'unica possibile, quella imposta dai fatti che accadono uno dopo l'altro e ci precipitano addosso dall'alto. Sembra ineluttabile infatti il declino a cui è condannata la condizione del lavoro, ridotta a una compravendita di corpi e intelligenze al massimo ribasso, privata di diritti e dignità, schiava delle imposizioni di chi accumula enormi quantità di denaro e potere grazie alla rendita sulle speculazioni finanziarie.
A Pomigliano and Mirafiori, at school or university, those who govern do so to serve the interests of a few individuals, transforming the common good, whether the rights or the resources, knowledge or wealth produced general , into something that is "private" and a few for the purposes of a few. Democracy thus becomes a free field of operation of a network of oligarchs, the cliques, castes, the powerful business lobbies without scruple, the bands of grabbers, corrupt, mafia. Democracy is emptied because "private" of public scrutiny on the choices that apply to all; separated from the social justice that is its purpose.
We believe it is time to say enough. It's time to say the strength of a civic and social participation and that there is no difference between the struggles against the bill Gelmini and those of workers and workers of the Fiat, the battle between democracy and against the oligarchy in power its atrocities and the public and private for the dignity of women at work and in society. Should no longer be any separation between democracy and rights, between formal and material constitution. Exacerbated by the proposal of the Minister of Justice of the Constitutional Court to make
The struggles of recent months have shown us a different country, proudly next to real life, one full of difficulty and uncertainty, those who have little, who has to earn everything, win everything step by step. The wind coming from the south of this Europe, tells us that together, in many different, we can defeat what seems invincible, can and must defeat the violence of war against the people who show on the road and at the same time, the idea that democracy can be exported with the bombings. We can and we must return to live the struggle for peace and take on a common dreams and hopes, turning the resistance and indignation in an idea of \u200b\u200bthe new society, new democracy.
is why we believe the general strike with the opportunity to practice this exercise of freedom, we are all united on May 6 because this country really stop and look at how to take his hand future. Starting from the even path Uniticontrolacrisi that originated in the great event of the Fiom October 16, we appeal to all those who are mobilizing in their places of life, industry, university and school, in the reality of work independent of the second generation, intellectuals, artists and the whole world of knowledge and information, environmental committees and those who are struggling with migrants for the rights denied to women, because this strike is built from the bottom, city by city, neighborhood by neighborhood, and translates into a great and long day of protest and proposal. A strike bringing together the indignation with the struggle for social rights, it is therefore an uprising of the people of the new democracy and the new company. To build it together must immediately begin to mingle with each other, to compare many different and how to do, what it means to "secure the country." We hope that we can discuss it with us in a great national assembly on March 25 in Rome, close to the demonstration in defense of public water and for the referendum. The spring has already begun.
* Gianni Rinaldini, Gino Strada, Don Andrea Gallo, Maurizio Landini, Luca Casarini, Loris Campetti, Michele De Palma, Rossana Rossanda, Moni Ovadia, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Giorgio Cremaschi , Luciano Gallino, Andrea Alzetta Raparelli Francis, Betty Leone, Vilma Mazza, Marco Bersani, Luca Tornatore, Gianmarco de Pieri, Paolo Cognin, Roberta Fantozzi, Eva Gilmore, Robert Iovino, Emiliano Viccaro, Luca Cafagna, Simon Famularo, Eva Pinna Giuliano Santoro, Simona Ammer, Antonio Musella, Claudio Riccio Mariano Di Palma, Giuseppe De Marzo, Roberto Giudici, Franz Purpura, Claudio, Health, Matt Jade, Massimo Torelli, Guido Viale, Ugo Mattei.
To join: appeals (at) ilmanifesto.it
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