Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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C.S. Domenica 20 presentazione del candidato Sindaco

In the forthcoming local elections in Grottaglie, the South in Motion has decided to propose, as a civic list, a mayoral candidate supported by ordinary citizens from diverse ideological, more and more convinced of the urgent need for radical change and motion from the belief that a "political other," it's possible.

Six years after the birth, movement in the South, is ready to tackle one of the most exciting challenges that could happen to someone who has always struggled to assert the inalienable rights of equality, freedom and democratic participation of every citizen. A path involving

boasting membership aware of the common people in a political project innovative, shared an election program, built and brought in a participatory and forward-looking.

There are two overriding principles that South Movement In order to ensure the future of a concrete Grottaglie innovate no parties and no to anyone who has covered institutional positions!

The motto of the movement: "There is room for everyone but not for the usual"
The proposal for a new model of democratic, inclusive and transparent, directed to a horizontal management of "public affairs" that celebrates and favors, by way of direct participation, the active, participatory and contributory the citizen is the basis of the election program that also provides for the city of Grottaglie a model of sustainable alternative development and that will not destroy the land but to promote local resources, preserving and enhancing the environmental and cultural matrices.

Therefore, Sunday, March 20, 2011, at 18:30, at the castle of Bishop's Grottaglie will host the presentation of candidates for city council and mayoral candidate, who will explain in detail what is the electoral program.

Sunday's debate will be available by the deaf, thanks to the expected presence of an expert in the language LIS (Italian Sign Language).

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Iniziativa regione - BEI: il programma dell'incontro all'Aurum di Pescara. L'accordo firmato da Chiodi per rilancio imprese abruzzesi

Release Region:
Pescara: After developing the agreement with the EIB, the European Investment Bank, Friday, March 18, Aurum former auditorium of Pescara, Regione Abruzzo present ...
forces institutional, social and economic initiative that will contribute to the revival of micro, small and medium-sized companies Abruzzo. It is a framework agreement that the regional president, Gianni Chiodi, signed on February 10 last year at Palazzo Chigi with two testimonial d'eccezione, Silvio Berlusconi e Gianni Letta. Lo stesso Chiodi, insieme al vice presidente della BEI, Dario Scannapieco, aprirà i lavori all'ex Aurum. Dopo la rivisitazione dell'accordo quadro di sostegno alle aziende abruzzesi, prevista a partire dalle ore 10.15, interverranno i rappresentanti dei tre istituti di credito locali prescelti per la collaborazione. Si tratta di Tito Cardagnone per la Carichieti, Mario Russo per la Tercas e Demetrio Guareschi per la Bnl. Alle ore 11.30 si potrà dare vita a un dibattito, al termine del quale arriveranno le conclusioni di Gianni Chiodi. Moderatore del summit sarà il caporedattore della TGr Rai Abruzzo, Silvano Barone. 

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Il 21 di marzo riprenderà a Giulianova il servizio bus navetta gratuito

Press City:
Giulianova: Monday, March 21, after the testing phase of the Christmas period which has allowed us to acquire useful information, resume the shuttle bus service ....
Giulianova to ensure the link between Lido and country. The service is active every weekday mornings from 7:30 to 14:30, in addition to contributing to the improvement of sustainable mobility between the lowest and the highest of the city through the use of environmentally friendly compressed natural gas shuttles, will give an answer to those citizens living in areas adjacent to the city center, not covered by bus service.
"But the other big news - stresses the Archimedes Forcellese Councillor for Mobility - is represented by the service of public holidays, much appreciated by the priests and people from the same Bishop of the Diocese of Teramo-Atri allow the faithful to go to morning church services at the main churches in the city, starting with Mass at 8 am at the church of the Shrine of Splendor and ending with the hour hand 12 of the Cathedral of St. Flavian. Entering in more detail - Says councilor - shuttle service on weekdays will unfold between the two terminals represented by the train station and the "discovered" on Via Amendola, affecting even by Colledoro, Belvedere, hospital and cemetery. The festive service, however, the Sanctuary of Radiance has reached the church of St. Peter passing through the churches of San Gabriel, Santa Maria a Mare, the Benedictines of St. Anthony and St. Flavian.
The initiative - concludes Forcellese - will be made possible by the availability of valuable drivers of school buses that will be to drive the buses thereby allowing the union efficiency-effectiveness-cost essential for the sustainability of the same ".
routes and timetables will be published on the site of the City (

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La Cina supera gli Usa Grecia, Pil giù del 4,5% Cuba, svalutato il Cuc

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Non è stata sufficiente agli Usa una buona crescita del Pil nel 2010: ieri infatti è stato comunicato che la Cina li ha superati come prima potenza manifatturiera del mondo. Lo storico sorpasso è stato rilevato in uno studio pubblicato da Ihs Global Insight. In particolare, la produzione cinese rappresenta il 19,8% del totale mondiale per un valore aggiunto di 1995 miliardi di dollari contro il 19,4% americano, cioè 1952 miliardi. Gli esperti di Ihs fanno notare che la produzione manifatturiera ha avuto una forte ripresa negli Stati Uniti durante il 2010 ma in Cina la crescita è stata superiore.
Un paese che proprio non cresce schiacciato dalle manovre correttive per put public finances in order, however, is Greece: in 2010 GDP fell by 4.5%, as indicated by preliminary data released dall'Autorithy statistical Greek. The data, unfortunately, illustrates a wider than expected recession in the 2010 budget, where the fall was due to 4.2%. The race to the bottom of the GDP has increased during the various quarters of last year and the last three months of 2010 has exceeded 6%. And this, unfortunately, that even in signfica 2011 the 'Greek economy will not grow.
The countries 'communist' have got used to operate the currency and to intervene in the banking system. He does it frequently China (with rising interest rates and increased reserve requirements) and makes it even Cuba, which has devalued by 8% convertible Cuban peso, the Cuc, in order to adjust (to the value in force since 2005) with the dollar U.S.. The move is aimed at supporting the local economy and encourage trade with other trading partners. This was announced by the Central Bank President, Ernesto Medina. The new parity is valid for interbank trade, and exchange offices in Cuba continues to apply a special tax of 10%. The island is to use two currencies: the weight of 'national' that serves to pay salaries and wages of most of everyday consumer goods, and weight 'convertible', linked to the flow of money from tourism and remittances from Cubans living abroad. The exchange rate between two currencies (the other one is worth 25 Cuc weight) over the years led to a huge difference between the lifestyles of the Cubans who have access to Cuc (those who work in tourism or foreign entities or entities that receive money from their relatives abroad) and those who remain excluded.
past the worst of the financial crisis, are reflected in the large issuance of new companies on the stock market in the first two months of 2011 were recorded 193 operations (defined IPO) with 25.3 billion dollars raised. This is what emerges from the study "Global IPO Trends 2011 ' Ernst & Young. He warns, however, the study: the growth scenario we are seeing may not be as rosy as the global macroeconomic risks could make the market even more unstable. However, less than a sudden new crisis, the prospects for 2011 are a stronger IPO market since last year. Emerging markets, which were the main driver of the market in the first two months, will continue to be driving for the rest of the year and is expected, according to the study by Ernst & Young, that the forthcoming IPO will be made not only in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), but also in other emerging markets of Southeast Asia, Europe dell'est e America Latina.
Ieri molti siti titolavano (in maniera un po' macabra): «l'effetto tsunami si abbatte sui mercati finanziari». E questo perché la borsa di Tokyo (-6,18% anche se sostenuta da massicce iniezioni di liquidità dalla Banca centrale nipponica) ha fatto sentire i suoi effetti su tutte le altre borse. C'è da dire che il ribasso era stato largamente previsto. Come prevista era la risalita dell'euro dopo l'intesa, raggiunta sabato in sede Ue, per alzare a 440 miliardi le risorse del fondo di sostegno dei Paesi in difficoltà con i conti pubblici. A fine seduta la moneta comune europea quotava 1,3987 dollari.