Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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C.S. Domenica 20 presentazione del candidato Sindaco

In the forthcoming local elections in Grottaglie, the South in Motion has decided to propose, as a civic list, a mayoral candidate supported by ordinary citizens from diverse ideological, more and more convinced of the urgent need for radical change and motion from the belief that a "political other," it's possible.

Six years after the birth, movement in the South, is ready to tackle one of the most exciting challenges that could happen to someone who has always struggled to assert the inalienable rights of equality, freedom and democratic participation of every citizen. A path involving

boasting membership aware of the common people in a political project innovative, shared an election program, built and brought in a participatory and forward-looking.

There are two overriding principles that South Movement In order to ensure the future of a concrete Grottaglie innovate no parties and no to anyone who has covered institutional positions!

The motto of the movement: "There is room for everyone but not for the usual"
The proposal for a new model of democratic, inclusive and transparent, directed to a horizontal management of "public affairs" that celebrates and favors, by way of direct participation, the active, participatory and contributory the citizen is the basis of the election program that also provides for the city of Grottaglie a model of sustainable alternative development and that will not destroy the land but to promote local resources, preserving and enhancing the environmental and cultural matrices.

Therefore, Sunday, March 20, 2011, at 18:30, at the castle of Bishop's Grottaglie will host the presentation of candidates for city council and mayoral candidate, who will explain in detail what is the electoral program.

Sunday's debate will be available by the deaf, thanks to the expected presence of an expert in the language LIS (Italian Sign Language).

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Iniziativa regione - BEI: il programma dell'incontro all'Aurum di Pescara. L'accordo firmato da Chiodi per rilancio imprese abruzzesi

Release Region:
Pescara: After developing the agreement with the EIB, the European Investment Bank, Friday, March 18, Aurum former auditorium of Pescara, Regione Abruzzo present ...
forces institutional, social and economic initiative that will contribute to the revival of micro, small and medium-sized companies Abruzzo. It is a framework agreement that the regional president, Gianni Chiodi, signed on February 10 last year at Palazzo Chigi with two testimonial d'eccezione, Silvio Berlusconi e Gianni Letta. Lo stesso Chiodi, insieme al vice presidente della BEI, Dario Scannapieco, aprirà i lavori all'ex Aurum. Dopo la rivisitazione dell'accordo quadro di sostegno alle aziende abruzzesi, prevista a partire dalle ore 10.15, interverranno i rappresentanti dei tre istituti di credito locali prescelti per la collaborazione. Si tratta di Tito Cardagnone per la Carichieti, Mario Russo per la Tercas e Demetrio Guareschi per la Bnl. Alle ore 11.30 si potrà dare vita a un dibattito, al termine del quale arriveranno le conclusioni di Gianni Chiodi. Moderatore del summit sarà il caporedattore della TGr Rai Abruzzo, Silvano Barone. 

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Il 21 di marzo riprenderà a Giulianova il servizio bus navetta gratuito

Press City:
Giulianova: Monday, March 21, after the testing phase of the Christmas period which has allowed us to acquire useful information, resume the shuttle bus service ....
Giulianova to ensure the link between Lido and country. The service is active every weekday mornings from 7:30 to 14:30, in addition to contributing to the improvement of sustainable mobility between the lowest and the highest of the city through the use of environmentally friendly compressed natural gas shuttles, will give an answer to those citizens living in areas adjacent to the city center, not covered by bus service.
"But the other big news - stresses the Archimedes Forcellese Councillor for Mobility - is represented by the service of public holidays, much appreciated by the priests and people from the same Bishop of the Diocese of Teramo-Atri allow the faithful to go to morning church services at the main churches in the city, starting with Mass at 8 am at the church of the Shrine of Splendor and ending with the hour hand 12 of the Cathedral of St. Flavian. Entering in more detail - Says councilor - shuttle service on weekdays will unfold between the two terminals represented by the train station and the "discovered" on Via Amendola, affecting even by Colledoro, Belvedere, hospital and cemetery. The festive service, however, the Sanctuary of Radiance has reached the church of St. Peter passing through the churches of San Gabriel, Santa Maria a Mare, the Benedictines of St. Anthony and St. Flavian.
The initiative - concludes Forcellese - will be made possible by the availability of valuable drivers of school buses that will be to drive the buses thereby allowing the union efficiency-effectiveness-cost essential for the sustainability of the same ".
routes and timetables will be published on the site of the City (

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La Cina supera gli Usa Grecia, Pil giù del 4,5% Cuba, svalutato il Cuc

di Galapagos
Non è stata sufficiente agli Usa una buona crescita del Pil nel 2010: ieri infatti è stato comunicato che la Cina li ha superati come prima potenza manifatturiera del mondo. Lo storico sorpasso è stato rilevato in uno studio pubblicato da Ihs Global Insight. In particolare, la produzione cinese rappresenta il 19,8% del totale mondiale per un valore aggiunto di 1995 miliardi di dollari contro il 19,4% americano, cioè 1952 miliardi. Gli esperti di Ihs fanno notare che la produzione manifatturiera ha avuto una forte ripresa negli Stati Uniti durante il 2010 ma in Cina la crescita è stata superiore.
Un paese che proprio non cresce schiacciato dalle manovre correttive per put public finances in order, however, is Greece: in 2010 GDP fell by 4.5%, as indicated by preliminary data released dall'Autorithy statistical Greek. The data, unfortunately, illustrates a wider than expected recession in the 2010 budget, where the fall was due to 4.2%. The race to the bottom of the GDP has increased during the various quarters of last year and the last three months of 2010 has exceeded 6%. And this, unfortunately, that even in signfica 2011 the 'Greek economy will not grow.
The countries 'communist' have got used to operate the currency and to intervene in the banking system. He does it frequently China (with rising interest rates and increased reserve requirements) and makes it even Cuba, which has devalued by 8% convertible Cuban peso, the Cuc, in order to adjust (to the value in force since 2005) with the dollar U.S.. The move is aimed at supporting the local economy and encourage trade with other trading partners. This was announced by the Central Bank President, Ernesto Medina. The new parity is valid for interbank trade, and exchange offices in Cuba continues to apply a special tax of 10%. The island is to use two currencies: the weight of 'national' that serves to pay salaries and wages of most of everyday consumer goods, and weight 'convertible', linked to the flow of money from tourism and remittances from Cubans living abroad. The exchange rate between two currencies (the other one is worth 25 Cuc weight) over the years led to a huge difference between the lifestyles of the Cubans who have access to Cuc (those who work in tourism or foreign entities or entities that receive money from their relatives abroad) and those who remain excluded.
past the worst of the financial crisis, are reflected in the large issuance of new companies on the stock market in the first two months of 2011 were recorded 193 operations (defined IPO) with 25.3 billion dollars raised. This is what emerges from the study "Global IPO Trends 2011 ' Ernst & Young. He warns, however, the study: the growth scenario we are seeing may not be as rosy as the global macroeconomic risks could make the market even more unstable. However, less than a sudden new crisis, the prospects for 2011 are a stronger IPO market since last year. Emerging markets, which were the main driver of the market in the first two months, will continue to be driving for the rest of the year and is expected, according to the study by Ernst & Young, that the forthcoming IPO will be made not only in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), but also in other emerging markets of Southeast Asia, Europe dell'est e America Latina.
Ieri molti siti titolavano (in maniera un po' macabra): «l'effetto tsunami si abbatte sui mercati finanziari». E questo perché la borsa di Tokyo (-6,18% anche se sostenuta da massicce iniezioni di liquidità dalla Banca centrale nipponica) ha fatto sentire i suoi effetti su tutte le altre borse. C'è da dire che il ribasso era stato largamente previsto. Come prevista era la risalita dell'euro dopo l'intesa, raggiunta sabato in sede Ue, per alzare a 440 miliardi le risorse del fondo di sostegno dei Paesi in difficoltà con i conti pubblici. A fine seduta la moneta comune europea quotava 1,3987 dollari.

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Tutti davanti alla tv per l'Italia del rugby

Press City:
St. Benedict: In the wake of renewed enthusiasm for the success of last week against France , rugby fans will rally around alla nazionale di Mallet che....

sabato prossimo 19 marzo sarà chiamata ad un'altra difficilissima sfida contro la Scozia. Le società rugbistiche sambenedettesi saranno in prima fila per sostenere l'Italia e, con la collaborazione dell'Amministrazione comunale, hanno organizzato un momento di tifo collettivo che si terrà in Auditorium comunale sabato pomeriggio 19 marzo: dalle 14,30 verrà proiettato su schermo gigante l'incontro e tutti gli appassionati sono invitati a partecipare. Nel frattempo il Comune vuole capitalizzare anche ai fini turistici questo crescente interesse per la palla ovale e nei giorni scorsi il sindaco Giovanni Gaspari ha avanzato formally Giancarlo Dondi, president of the Italian Rugby Federation, the candidacy of San Benedetto del Tronto as a venue for summer training for the National "A" rugby scheduled for next August. In the letter, the Mayor also proposed that the national team at the end of the stage, you play a test - match stadium Riviera delle Palme.

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San Benedetto partecipa a "Tipicità" con un laboratorio sulla "panocchia"

Press City:
San Benedetto: This year the City of St. Benedict will participate in "typical", the review of food and wine production marchigiana giunta alla 19esima edizione....
che si svolgerà a Fermo dal 19 al 21 marzo. Il Comune sarà presente alla rassegna, che richiama visitatori da tutta Italia, con uno stand istituzionale la cui apertura sarà garantita dal personale del Centro Agroalimentare. Lo stesso Centro, tramite la ditta Blu s.r.l., fornirà il pesce necessario al laboratorio dal simpatico titolo "Te la do io... la panocchia" nell'ambito della sezione " Fucina della Tradizione" promosso dall'assessorato al turismo del Comune e in programma domenica 20 marzo. Il programma prevede le relazioni di Mania Cantalamessa, Direttore del Servizio Turismo, su "Il Comune di San Benedetto del Tronto ed il circuito della cucina Adriatic sea: routes multi-media events on the local gastronomic tradition, and Noris Rocchi, coordinator of the "circuits of the local cuisine," which describe the participation of the Municipality of San Benedetto del Tronto in the "Circuit of the Adriatic sea food" . There will be a practical demonstration of Cameli Marco, the chef at Matt, which illustrate the preparation of the mantis shrimp marinated in tomato sauce and a first of mantis shrimp. The presentation will be enriched by Gian Marco vetch, winery "The Fontursia" which will offer a tasting of a wine produced in the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

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Questione CIRSU-SOGESA. Il sindaco Mastromauro: “Qui si cambiano le carte in tavola. Molta disinformazione e tante falsità sul mio conto. Volutamente si dimentica che sono stato io a voler salvare il Cirsu e a tutelare il pubblico”

City Press:
Giulianova "uninformed cue from duty without proper inspection or sources, nor the veracity of the news then disclosed, or more prone to vulgar gossip, some journalists, and with them certain political forces, have thrown mud on myself, accused in ....
CIRSU-SOGES relation to each other, the mess, or worse, to sacrifice for the public part of the private, shaded spitefully and deliberately murky interests. Here is changing dramatically the tables. And so blatant and deliberate misinformation, suggesting that there is one or more interested in throwing mud prompters to attack who, like myself, has fought to save the CIRSU when others wanted to dismiss it, then struggling to ensure the primacy of the public on the subject Private and to protect workers. " Mayor Francis Mastromauro not hide his disappointment after reading an article on a website where you called "unusual" the first citizen activism that had convened a meeting with the mayors of the municipalities of CIRSU to solve the serious problems in place.
" cross mess? Favor for il privato mortificando il pubblico? Ma stiamo scherzando? Anche senza citare uno ad uno tutti i documenti, e sono una montagna, che rendono queste affermazioni carta straccia facendo trasparire, come è giusta definirla, una strategia di disinformazione forse scientificamente programmata e messa in atto” , dice il sindaco, “ basterebbe ricordare la ricapitalizzazione del CIRSU, per evitarne la liquidazione, di cui mi ero fatto strenuo sostenitore; ricapitalizzazione   voluta quindi da tutti i comuni del Consorzio. Quella operazione era peraltro condizionata alla voltura dell'AIA della discarica di Grasciano 2 in capo a CIRSU, come peraltro deliberato dall'Assemblea dei soci e come scritto a chiare letters in the resolution of the Board No 108 of December 9, 2010 . This mandate - continues the mayor - along with deadlines for the construction of the landfill, the start door to door in all other municipalities in the CIRSU to the concrete implementation of the plan to restructure the industrial and technological center and again, to maintain employment levels, this term, I said, was given to the new Board of Directors and CIRSU for it, the President Ziruolo. These, then, the goals set by the municipalities members of the Board CIRSU to be achieved. But, after three months, the situation was that the results are plain for all, that is still disrupted, collection and disposal in fits and starts even during the flood emergency. And this against a financial commitment by the City of Giulianova amounting to over € 5 million and a half year! "But the mayor also adds an element to be specifically aimed at meeting the City on the afternoon of March 14.
" Who accuses me of Meetings 'Carbon' replied that this meeting was necessary in order not to interrupt the service of urban sanitation in the municipalities concerned. And you know who had called for? The president of the CIRSU ' March 11 with a note Protocol 820 . Which, in his words, wrote to us verbatim Mayors: " In order not to interrupt the service of urban hygiene, PLEASE CONTACT DIRECTLY IF GIVE PLANTS WASTE DISPOSAL" . And to this end, enclosing a facsimile request to expedite the procedure. We come to the meeting because of the presence of the Director of Regional Waste Franco Gerardini, always generously willing and ready to give his highly qualified contribution. In short, if we did not directly activate the dirt would remain on the streets, becoming a sort of Naples. We had to replace the CIRSU, as the same CIRSU is contractually obligated with the member municipalities - continues Mastromauro - for evitare una grave situazione di emergenza ambientale, tenuto conto che l'indomani i cancelli della discarica di Casoni sarebbero rimasti chiusi. E quell'incontro del 14 marzo, peraltro, ha sortito l'effetto sperato, anche se solo per un lasso di tempo limitato. E dov'è allora il turpe intreccio che si paventa? Prima di accusare o di scrivere cose inesatte occorrerebbe informarsi.   La verità è che i Comuni stanno pagando direttamente le somme per il conferimento alla discarica di Casoni al posto di CIRSU. Ora – conclude il sindaco – dobbiamo avere grande attenzione nei confronti dei lavoratori della SOGESA che in assenza di risorse economiche, visto che il CIRSU non paga, rischiano di non avere lo stipendio. Quindi, le nostre preoccupazioni sono due: garantire la continuità della raccolta dell'immondizia nelle nostre città e tutelare i lavoratori. E mi auguro che a fronte di problemi così seri si evitino le spire velenose della demagogia, che in un tale contesto sarebbe quasi uno sciacallaggio.   

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Buone notizie dal censimento invernale dell’avifauna del Lago di Campotosto

Comunicato Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga:
Assergi: Continuano, in collaborazione with the Local Biodiversity Aquila for the State Forestry Corps, the operations of a census of wild winter ....

in Campotosto Nature Reserve, the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga. The survey results confirm the unique importance of the basin for the conservation of biodiversity. The lake is currently frozen for about seventy percent and surrounded by a landscape still covered in snow, despite the wintry conditions was surprisingly rich in waterfowl. There are still two of Quattrocchi and the female ferruginous, while the male Red-crested turkish was accompanied by a female. Spectacular coots, estimated to number over 2000 and of various sizes which, together, form circles in the sections of the lake where the water is not frozen. The report also records the presence of Grey Heron, Teal, numbering 100 individuals, Cormorant, Wigeon, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Mallard, Moretta (20), Pochard (1200), Great Crested Grebe (80), and Black-necked Grebe Little Grebe.

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Anche Nereto festeggia il 150° anniversario Unità d'Italia

Nereto: The Mayor City of Nereto, Dr. Stephen Minora warns nationals that tomorrow, Thursday March 17, 2011 , during the celebrations of " 150 years of the unification of Italy " , 10.30 am, the ground floor of Town Hall , will discover a plaque commemorating the 150th anniversary of 'Unity of Italy. All concerned citizens are invited to attend the event.

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Charity: the mayors association in the field for victims of road

Press City:
Sant'Omero: Mayors of the province of Teramo in the field to raise money back, this time in favor of the 'Association of road accident victims "....
Saturday, March 26 at 15 at the stage of Sant'Omero (Teramo), a triangular football will be played between the team of mayors in the province of Teramo, Deportivo's Attorney and the National Model. The aim of the initiative is to raise funds for the association of road deaths. Tickets are available at cost of € 5 for children under 11 years and 10 € for adults. The choice of Sant'Omero is due to the fact that Stefano Di Gennaro, nineteen Controguerra footballer, who died in a car accident in 2010, had played Sant'Omero.

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dal Manifesto Gianni Mattioli Massimo Scalia and

It 'goes without saying that the images that come from Japan, the enormity of the disaster and suffering called the sense of fraternity, but also hated that this statement is repeated to legitimate complaints about what those events to suggest the facts of our house. On the contrary, that story brings to light facts which will respond with a sense of rebellion for incompetence and / or dishonesty that emerge in the debate of these hours. We are on the brink of a catastrophe, says European Commissioner Oettinger, but in Italy is proclaimed that the Italian nuclear program envisages the construction of facilities of better technology, per i quali non ci sono questi ri­schi. Chi lo dice, se è un competen­te, sa di dire cose contrarie alla real­tà.

Quando gli americani nel 1999, dopo che dal 1978 l 'avversione delle popolazioni per l'impatto sanitario delle centrali in condizioni di routi­ne aveva causato il blocco di ogni or­dinativo, dopo l'incidente di Three Mite Island, dopo Chernobyl, dan­no il via al consorzio di ricerca Gene­ration IV, l'obiettivo proclamato è quello di ripensare dalle fondamen­ta la sostenibilità del nucleare. Non un lavoretto di maquillage: un aggiu­stamento per pompe, tubi e valvole, alla luce degli «insegnamenti» di Three Mile Island - ciò che oggi si in­tende for third generation - but those radical changes that give meaning to the word security is not a probability, but certainty. It may in fact improve the devices, making them redundant, but, if it reduces the probability of an accident of the kind hitherto known, does not change the fact that the accident is still possible with its enormous effects of suffering and fear. What changes is the reactor physics obviously presents difficult problems of research, which leaves the port in time: 2035? 2040? And while Carlo Rubbia, considering all of the Generation IV projects, I emphasized the incomplete nature of solutions. Generation IV technology is indeed a challenge.

Ciò che si gioca invece dinanzi ai nostri occhi è assai meno nobile. De­gne di rispetto sarebbero istituzioni che dicessero agli italiani: è vero, questi rischi ci sono, il paese è sismi­co e la tecnologia è imperfetta, ma non c'è alcun altro modo per forni­re energia al paese e dunque si do­vrà, in modo trasparente, ripartire i rischi e ripagarli con benefici diretti a chi dovrà direttamente subirli.

Questo discorso non si fa, e come farlo?: l'intero programma nucleare ita­liano darebbe meno di un settimo dell'obietti­vo a cui ci chiama l'Unione europea il 2020. Una Ue che, peral­tro, nei suoi obiettivi, di­ventati obiettivi di tutto il mondo, non prevede il ricorso al nucleare. Ma si campa di imbroglio, come quando alla gente di Scanzano si disse che le rocce saline garantiva­no l'integrità nei secoli di un deposito di scorie. Un falso. O si nasconde quanto recentemente di­chiarato dal Governo fe­derale tedesco: sì, intor­no agli impianti nuclea­ri c'è più del doppio di leucemie infantili. Ma per Veronesi, presidente dell'Agenzia per la sicu­rezza nucleare, il rischio da funzionamento nor­male non esiste. Emerge cioè l'etica di una lobby, decisa a conseguire co­munque il suo risultato e, del resto, il terreno dell'energia è da sempre terreno di lobby: anche sul vento la cricca ha tentato la sua specula­zione.

But even before the disaster lobby should be silent.

Letter from Japan

ask me how they react to this emergence in nuclear power stations? The Japanese in general are quite realistic and better informed about the harmful effects of radiation, so many are afraid of nuclear power plants, and frankly would rather not have them. This is thanks to his experience told us that the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is another aspect: the government uses nuclear power plants - and U.S. bases - to 'blackmail' local economic deboli. Gli amministratori locali accettano di ospitare una centrale anche se la maggioranza degli abitanti è contra­ria, perché grazie agli aiuti che avran­no riescono a gestire il comune. Que­sto fa sì che in certe zone chi si di­chiara contro le centrali viene visto come una presenza dannosa alla co­munità.

(...) L'emergenza di questi giorni, ener­getica soprattutto, sta facendo emer­gere un aspetto tetro della politica (energetica e non) di questo paese: l'ineguaglianza tra il centro del potere e la periferia. II caso più scandaloso mi sembra è la sospensione «pro­grammata» della fornitura di elettricità annunciata dalla società TEPCO: Tap the peripheral municipalities, but not the center of Tokyo where the energy losses are higher - with big screens, lifts, escalators everywhere, many redundant or become indispensable tools for a structure senseless (as many skyscrapers that are unable to find tenants ..,). trepidation that I hope all this tragedy serves to understand how the organization of the world we live in is stupid and inadequate to our existence. (...) In addition, the planned organization of this suspension was really disastrous. They announced then decided last minute not to do so. making it impossible for people to organize their lives. I think this is symptomatic of the nature of this company (the risks of nuclear to the suburbs, the gains and comfort at the center of power!). (...) We do not know what will happen in the future, so it's certainly worrying. [But the reactions are exaggerated and sensational journalism, does not really help: easily induce the authorities to omit information that might lead to panic reactions. (...) This incident highlights a few things. The inability to ensure security, the limits of the calculations of the engineers in the design or the unpredictability of the phenomena surrounding can not be expected by the designers anticipate every imaginable and unimaginable situation, the types of earthquake and human error. Finally - questa è forse la maggiore scoperta per me - gli esperti hanno una conoscenza as­sai limitata in materia. Non sai quan­te volte sentiamo dire «non si sa», «non si capisce», «per qualche motivo non chiaro» durante le conferenze stampa e i commenti degli esperti a cui vengono chieste spiegazioni! Se si considera tutto questo - che i nuclearisti fanno tutto per ignorare, minimizzare e non far conoscere - l'energia nucleare risulta non offrirci alcun vantaggio ma soltanto rischi. Insomma, occorre rimettere in discus­sione le centrali nucleari soprattutto per evitare ogni incidente futuro. (...) Soprattutto ci vuole un po' di umiltà sui limiti delle capacità dell'essere umano.

* translator, co-founder of the Documentation Centre for Peace "Semi in the Snow" (Pisa), Yukari Salto sent us this note from Japan where he is.

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Marco Bersani, Renato Di Nicola and Marco Villa Palermo at the Municipal Rose Garden to reiterate the NO to the privatization of water

Photos of Ida Prosperi
From left. Renato Di Nicola, Marco Palermo Marco Bersani
Roseto: The splendid Villa Comunale di Roseto saw yesterday, Tuesday, March 15, 2011, Renato Di Nicola (Abruzzo Social Forum), Marco Palermo Marco Bersani ( ATTAC - Italia), riuniti insieme per ribadire il NO alla la privatizzazione dell’acqua. “L’acqua non si vende”....
I tre hanno  partecipato al meeting organizzato dal Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni, sottolineando l’importanza della partecipazione democratica alle scelte fondamentali della vita del paese. Circa un mese fa, la Corte Costituzionale ha ammesso i requisiti referendari per la ripubblicizzazione dell’acqua e contro il nucleare; il Governo ha definito le date in cui gli italiani saranno chiamati a votare. Per questo gli esponenti dei movimenti per l’acqua chiedono che la tornata referendaria sia accorpata a quella delle elezioni amministrative, che si realizzeranno probabilmente il 16 maggio 2011. Un risultato ottenuto grazie alla sottoscrizione di 1 milione e 400 mila firme, di uomini e donne contrari ad una gestione privata del servizio idrico.

Marco Palermo, Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni
“Il passaggio dell’acqua in mani private –   sottolinea Marco Palermo, Comitato Abruzzese Difesa Beni Comuni  – porterebbe inevitabilmente ad un aumento dei prezzi e una conseguente perdita qualitativa della risorsa. Il nostro obiettivo è di democratically influence the choices of public bodies. The referendum is substantial expression of democracy, a means for citizens to exercise popular sovereignty . Only in Abruzzo there are 12 zonal coordinators, with the cooperation of governments, which seek and believe the interests of the well water.

Renato Di Nicola, Abruzzo Social Forum
" We have fought and continue to do so, against the exploitation of resources; - explains Renato Di Nicola, Abruzzo Social Forum - with our battles we have had some real victories, we are committed mostly by focusing on defense and resistance, as our actions are not aimed at profit or gain. The water should bring people together toward a single goal, to say No to privatization, say NO to the control of political parties and industrialists, the voting is essential to defeat the strategy of silence and abstention " . The arguments focus on the three modes of battle, pursued by thousands of organizations across Italy, through dialogue with people through the door to door, through meetings, as with that Roseto.

Marco Bersani, ATTAC - Italy
"The global crisis is a crisis in social, economic, ecological and democratic - Marco Bersani points out, ATTAC - Italy - the solution lies in solving problems together, since all connected by a common thread. Starting from the fundamental concept that the commons are not privatized, would lead to an eventual transition? All citizens would be forced to buy water from a private unable to manage the resource. It follows an increase in rates, a reduction of labor costs and reduced quality of service. Who wins in this? Certainly not the citizens, but the few financial groups, to the detriment of the entire population, which should be slowly depleted . Consolidating the referendum for local office - he concludes - would save more than € 400 million, which would weigh on the pockets of the entire community . After the national demonstration to be held in Rome on 26 March in Piazza della Repubblica "Vote yes to referendum Water common good ", will be sold flags to hang on the windows of the water to raise the community. Meanwhile there are already water bottles common good would be achieved with a small donation going to the website www.referendumacqua.i t . Also, anyone who would join the committee rose for public water can do so by subscribing to acqua.pubblica.roseto @ on Facebook: Public Water Committee Roseto, or by contacting the cell. 328.1098528.

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Felling, disguised as pruning, a centuries-old oak from an individual Alba Adriatica

The "pruning" of the centuries-old oak
Press Environmental Task Force Chair Julian Marsili
Alba Adriatica: Yesterday afternoon, as was reported by a citizen of Alba Adriatica,
resident via Michetti, including street and street Delfico Romualdi, was in a hurry capitozzzato a centuries-old oak, estimated age 200 years, height about 40 meters, by a company ....

definitely appointed by the owner of the house in whose yard the tree is located. The Environmental Task Force which I chair was immediately activated and contacted the municipal offices, office environment, urban planning and municipal police who is currently conducting photographic surveys and certainly will draw the final report.

From information obtained it seems that there is no practice of killing, give or wake, submitted to the municipality. It is believed that such radical pruning and murder is a prelude to a real and its killing the plant. Strong protests of the citizens and inhabitants of neighboring countries that had adopted the tree as their own and enjoyed the great shadow, where hundreds of birds nesting. A further massacre of citizens by reckless and without any respect for the environment.

Nests are apparently disappeared by the sample secular

Mayor Franchino Giovannelli, contacted by the same citizen who alerted us to the slaughter, has responded that since it is a private area, the administration can do little in this sense. PINOCCHIO! I understand that it is firmly committed dozens of buildings but may also occur. The ssessore environment absent as usual, the rest in a country where the administration is antiambientalista and building speculators, as one can hope that there is respect for the heritage tree? This also encourages citizens disrespectful to easy killing, as it happens every day, given the hundreds of reports that are received by the Environmental Task Force.

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wish to remember, which is set for tomorrow Giovedi 17 Marzo 2011 alle ore 1900, giorno della Festività Nazionale per i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia, nella centralissima Piazza Principe di Piemonte il comizio post-primarie con indicazioni linee programmatiche in vista delle elezioni comunali del 15 e 16 Maggio 2011.


Enzo Lacorte (SEL) candidato Sindaco della coalizione di centrosinistra

Giuseppe Vinci - Futura City leaders Grottaglie

Cyrus Trani - Federation of the Left

thank everyone in advance for your kind presence.


SEL, Grottaglie Città Futura, Federation of the Left

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Plans Tobuild Mudroom Lockers

First Contest Extra Virgin Teramo hills

Mosciano Sant'Angelo: The Pipeline Slow Food Torano Nuovo, Val Vibrata Giulianova organize, Friday, March 27, 2011, "the first competition for producers of extra virgin hills of Teramo. The event, which sees the promotion and collaboration dell'ARSSA ....
and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo, will be held at 9:30 at the restaurant "Borgo Spoltino" Contrada Selva Alta - Mosciano Sant'Angelo (TE). At about 11 will be held the award ceremony. The oil samples of 500 cc will be submitted by 23/03/2011 at the following collection points: Restaurant Pervoglia "Castelbasso (TE) - Tel 0861 508 035, Restaurant "La Piazzetta" Sant'Omero (TE) - Tel 88 530 0861, Banco del Gusto Mosciano Station (TE) - Tel 085 8071068. To evaluate the samples will be a committee of experts and headed by Dr dell'ARSSA. Marino Giorgetti. E 'provided a payment of € 5 for expenses. In a luncheon program at 12:30 - tasting flavored with oil of excellence Abruzzo, 12:30 am greetings authorities prof. Nicolantonio D'Orazio, Professor Nutrition; Raffaele Grilli, Slow Food Trust conducted Val Vibrata Giulianova; Leo Dezi, Slow Food Convivium Torano Nuovo Dr. Marino Giorgetti, responsible for promoting oil ARSSA; Mastracola Dino, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Teramo, Ezio Sciarra, professor of Methodology of Social Sciences. A journalist will moderate the convention Antimo Rai Love. Information and reservations: Tel 085 8071021 .

Samantha Anderson Facial


In Japan, the nuclear crisis is still out of control. reactors are jumping one by one and a massive release of radioactive material would prevent further action, with the risk of further explosions and other releases of radioactivity.

Meanwhile in Italy the so-called experts and politicians continue with nuclear idiotic statements that minimize what is happening.
Why? Jackals have a plan to kill to make offshore renewables to nuclear.

is the "plan of jackals" in three points:
> Yesterday: a decree to stop the course of renewable energies in Italy , one of the few growing economic sectors in a country knee
> Today: minimize the risks of nuclear power in Japan and pretend that everything is under control; spend € 400 million by combining the non-nuclear referendum in May local elections;
> Tomorrow: to pay bills in the bill to all Italians (at least 7 billion euro in Central) ensuring the recovery of costs outside the nuclear market.

enough to suffer the idiocy of jackals! The nuclear Referendum is a unique chance to stop them.
The petition that we started to ask the Minister Maroni to combine administrative and referendum has reached almost 50 000 signatures.

Take part in this mobilization: Spread the petition online, share it on Facebook and forward it to your contacts.

Salvatore Barbera

Greenpeace Nuclear Campaign Manager Italy

President George Cb Radio For Sale

An address to save the hospital in Atri

Press City:
Pineto: More than 200 arrived in the mail within 48 hours and sent abroad, the nationals from Pineto but emigrated for work reasons. She's having successfully promoted ....
by the City of Pineto "An address to save the hospital in Atri," promoted through the official website of the City Adriatic. Anyone can send an email in support of pinetese, to prevent the health care Atriana be penalized, the cardiology department is halved with the closure of the Coronary Intensive Care Unit. "They came mail from Germany, Switzerland, Argentina," the Mayor Luciano Monticelli, "there are also some touching. One in particular of a boy who lives in the Valley and up who needs care that is provided by the cardiology of our hospital. He says he will fight with us to prevent the hospital in Atri to be penalized. " The initiative also joined members of the center-right of the lobby area and have therefore decided to send the mail to the City of Pineto, ruled by center-left administration, confirming that the "battle" for the protection of San Liberatore, Atri is a common, cross-cutting. So no political identity. "This makes us proud," says the mayor pinetese, "as confirmation that our initiative is not just for abstract ... Not at all. Here's a question of the health of citizens. In addition we are pursuing legal action because we want to go before the Tar. It is possible that we should penalize our hospital which also covers a good portion of users of the area of \u200b\u200bMontesilvano. So much so that we also received some emails of citizens residing in the City. The collection of mail will go ahead and do not exclude at this point even to organize a public demonstration. "

Rapid Heart Beat And Pain After Eating

Encouraging signs from exports. The result of wine, twice the national average

Release Region:
Pescara: "I dati forniti dall'Istat confermano quanto di buono è stato fatto nell'ultimo anno con un incremento nelle esportazioni del 18,8% a livello regionale e un +13,5% per quanto riguarda il settore alimentare. Una variazione positiva che si attesta ben al di sopra di quella nazionale....
che è stata del 15,7%. Nonostante la congiuntura economica negativa, l'Abruzzo così come avevamo sottolineato nei mesi scorsi, continua a lanciare segnali positivi e anche se la crisi non può dirsi superata, questo ci lascia ben sperare e ci induce a proseguire sulla strada intrapresa". L'Assessore regionale alle Politiche agricole, Mauro Febbo, commenta così i dati relativi alle esportazioni nel quarto trimestre del 2010 forniti in questi giorni dall'Istat. "Entrando nel dettaglio è interessante sottolineare come ci siano stati degli incrementi per quanto riguarda le esportazioni dei prodotti di colture non permanenti (piante che non durano più di due stagioni agricole come i legumi da granella), con oltre 3 milioni di euro in più rispetto all'anno passato e 2 milioni per le colture permanenti (ad esempio frutteti). Se si approfondiscono i dati relativi ai prodotti della lavorazione e conservazione di frutta e ortaggi, l'Abruzzo ha segnato una variazione del +3,4% rispetto al 2,3% che l'Istat ha rilevato a livello nazionale. Si confermano così i segnali di ripresa che ci spingono a continuare a destinare al comparto agroalimentare maggiori resources and energy, always following careful planning. The most encouraging signs, as expected, especially coming from the field of wine with an encouraging 15%, which is almost double the national figure of 8%. Abruzzo has seen it exports to over 100 million in 2010. This good result also comes on the eve of the important meeting with the Vinitaly that will provide an opportunity for our companies not only to strengthen relations and exchanges with foreign countries, but also to strengthen and revitalize the regional and national market. In the beverage sector has also been a significant leap forward with an increase in revenue of 12 million 442 mila euro. Dati alla mano si registra un aumento degli interscambi commerciali con numerosi paesi, dai partner storici come Canada, Germania, Francia e Stati Uniti ad altri che devono rappresentare nuove ed interessanti possibilità come ad esempio il Belgio".

How To Send Sms When Baby Born

Orientation to professional mobility in Europe, the Municipality and the Province of Teramo meet students

L'assessore Guardiani ncontra
 gli studenti
Comunicato Provincia:
Teramo: Il Centro Europe Direct della Città di Teramo e il Servizio Eures della Provincia di Teramo promuovono nelle scuole superiori del territorio provinciale un ciclo di incontri informativi aventi ad oggetto la mobilità professionale in Europa. Nel corso degli incontri....

con gli studenti, che iniziano oggi, saranno presentate sia le opportunità offerte dalle Istituzioni Europee per svolgere tirocini e stage, sia i programmi comunitari che favoriscono la mobilità, tra i quali: il Programma "Life Long Learning" con i sottoprogrammi Comenius, Erasmus e Leonardo Da Vinci; "Gioventù in azione", che promuove l'educazione non formale; i progetti europei di mobilità giovanile per gli scambi e le attività di volontariato all'estero; l'apprendimento interculturale. Verranno, inoltre, illustrate le principali tipologie di offerte di lavoro presenti sul portale EURES, analizzando le modalità di candidatura, di redazione del curriculum vitae europeo e di stesura della lettera di motivazione in lingua, ed offerti consigli pratici per effettuare un colloquio di selezione in un Paese straniero. "I giovani mostrano sempre più interesse per le innumerevoli possibilità di studio, formazione e lavoro offerte dall'Unione Europea - commenta l'assessore alle Politiche e Progetti Comunitari della Città di Teramo, Giovanni Luzii - per questo è necessario portare avanti con sempre maggiore slancio le attività di diffusione e formazione della cultura europea." "Ci facciamo promotori di questi incontri - dichiara l'assessore al Lavoro e alla Formazione Professionale della Provincia di Teramo, Eva Guardiani - perché siamo convinti che i nostri ragazzi debbano avere un orizzonte di azione più ampio quando orientano le proprie scelte formative e professionali. L'Europa può essere una grande opportunità, sia in termini di esperienza lavorativa, sia in termini di crescita del bagaglio di conoscenze personali. A tal fine intendiamo offrire un supporto concreto a chi voglia e possa cogliere occasioni come questa". Il Centro EUROPE DIRECT della Città di Teramo è una rete di informazione ufficiale della Commissione Europea che offre informazioni, consulenza and assistance activities of the institutions, legislation, policies, programs and funding opportunities of the European Union.
the EURES service of the Province of Teramo is a free public service sponsored by the European Commission - Directorate of Employment, which provides information, advice and guidance on job mobility in Europe.

Is London Broil A Beef Brisket?

Energy, the Province of Ancona endorse the implementation of the Programme Pear

Press Province:
Ancona: A two and half years since its launch, implementing the Program of the Provincial Energy Plan ambientale regionale (Pear) è diventato realtà. Nell'ultima seduta del consiglio provinciale di Ancona, il provvedimento, nato dalla collaborazione tra la Provincia e....
l ' Università politecnica delle Marche , è stato definitivamente approvato dalla maggioranza. L'obiettivo è favorire una sempre più stretta integrazione tra le politiche a favore della sostenibilità ambientale. Tra le azioni qualificanti la ricerca delle disponibilità di biomassa, esclusivamente di produzione locale e proveniente dalla filiera ligneo cellulosica per evitare possibili competizioni tra il mercato del settore agroalimentare e quello agroindustriale. Sul fronte del risparmio energetico, invece, il Piano punta sul miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica delle strutture edilizie e impiantistiche (con particolare attenzioni agli edifici scolastici) e su campagne di comunicazione rivolte ai cittadini per favorire la diffusione di pratiche virtuose e stili di consumo più responsabili. Infine, la novità: l'introduzione dell'Isew (Index of sustainable economic welfare) nella misurazione del benessere sostenibile della popolazione, in modo da tener conto non solo degli indicatori relativi alla mera crescita economica,  quanto piuttosto agli effetti sociali e ambientali di long term. "At a time when - said the president Patrizia Casagrande - in the wake of the Japanese made up again dramatically the debate on nuclear power, the province without hesitation choose the path of renewable energy sources. Choice, However, in line with what countries are considering how Germany and Switzerland. The approved measure is nothing but the continuation of sustainable energy and environmental policies on which our organization stands for years. Just think, ultimately, the project Province Eternit Free opened in recent days, encouraging that the removal of asbestos roofing and replacing them with solar panels, responds to the dual need of encouraging the development of renewable energy and move towards a better planning of areas for photovoltaics. "With this new tool - adds all the Councillor 'Environment Marcello Mariani - define the framework within which choices will be governed by the energy policy of our country. Today the Province of Ancona produces 80% of energy from fossil fuel of the Marche and is already exporting. Needless to say, future decisions will have focused on two channels: on the one hand encouraging the production of energy from source rinnovabile, come già oggi stiamo facendo con il biogas delle discariche, il fotovoltaico e l'idroelettrico e che ci ha permesso di raggiungere l'obiettivo fissato dall'Unione europea del 20%, dall'altro la crescita del risparmio energetico su cui, invece, è necessario ancora insistere".

Fsx Initialization Failure Aircreation582sl Red

Free course orientation to literacy Informatica per stranieri

Comunicato Centro per l'impiego Giulianova:
Giulianova: Il Centro per l’Impiego di Giulianova organizza un   corso gratuito di orientamento all’Alfabetizzazione Informatica per stranieri. La presenza cospicua di stranieri esige, da parte degli enti coinvolti alla loro accoglienza, una risposta volta a soddisfare le esigenze che....
gli stranieri esplicitano. La conoscenza di basi informatiche è un pre-requisito prioritario per accedere all’inserimento lavorativo e per l’inclusione socio-lavorativa. Il   corso avrà inizio giovedì 05 aprile 2011 e terminerà il 12 maggio 2011. Le lezioni avranno luogo presso il Centro per l’Impiego di Giulianova   dalle 11:00 alle 12:00 ogni martedì e giovedì per un totale di 12 ore di lezioni frontali.   Il corso è aperto a un massimo di 5 partecipanti stranieri (extracomunitari and new EU citizens) resident in the municipalities of Giulianova, Bellante, Tortoreto, Alba Adriatica and Mosciano Sant'Angelo who want to approach the basic computer skills. At the end of the course will receive a certificate of attendance to those who have been present for at least 9 hours overall. The contents of the course are basic elements (terminology, basic use of computers, from turning the PC to the fundamentals of word processing, Windows / Word, Excel and basic elements of the Internet.) Registration can be done by filling in, by 04/04/2011, the application form available from the Center for Employment Centre Commercial "I Portici", Via G. Giulianova Lido Di Vittorio. The inscriptions, however, will end the maximum number of participants.
For information and contacts
tel. 085/8003340 fax 0858001423
e-mail: @ cio.giulianova

Arr Gas Fet Uhf Preamp

Sicurezza stradale. Presentato in Provincia “l’angelo protettore”

Assessor with Olivieri Giancarlo Piermartiri
comunicatio Province:
Ascoli Piceno: A device "Made in Piceno" able to save the lives of the drivers was presented by its inventor, entrepreneur Giancarlo Piermartiri, the Provincial Transport Alderman Philip Olivieri. 36% of automobile accidents in Italy is caused by the blows ....

sleep. The device, manufactured by New Edil Ripatransone and the market for a few months, you can avoid them by impulse noise or vibration. "This is a revolutionary and very useful device that can save lives - said the Councillor Oliver - the Province of Ascoli Piceno, will promote the distribution a quantity of this device that has been kindly provided by New Edil Ripatransone of a traffic police, Carabinieri, Prefecture, ACI Motor Vehicles, Driving schools and other agencies and stakeholders of our territory. All this, through a public initiative in consultation with the President of the Province Piero Celani always been attentive and sensitive to issues of road safety, with the aim of conveying, including this device, the key message to take a conscious and responsible driving . A message that the Transport Department of the Province is committed to spreading, particularly among young people through information campaigns and education as those activated Gimbus the project in which the Province of Ascoli protagonist is funded as an experience at the national level. I am proud - continued Olivieri - that this device was designed and invented by a contractor in our area and has met with such great interest and support in many nations where it is already adopted as an important garrison for safety. I propose that Mr. Piermartiri is conferred an award for its business and commitment to his battle for life. "" We are willing to donate to local administrations and bodies concerned with a certain amount for demonstration purposes, the 'guardian angel' , the device produced by our company che abbiamo già presentato pubblicamente ad autorevoli esponenti delle istituzioni, come i Governatori della Lombardia Roberto Formigoni e del Veneto Giancarlo Zaia e al Sindaco di Roma Gianni Alemanno e che abbiamo anche proposto all’attenzione del Governo nazionale – ha evidenziato Giancarlo Piermartiri - il mio obiettivo è, infatti, anche di natura sociale e su questo fronte intendiamo continuare a coinvolgere le istituzioni, il mondo della scuola, le associazioni e, più in generale, tutti gli operatori della sicurezza stradale.”