Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Software Like Jibjab Uses

Giunta regionale approva Piano dimensionamento scolastico

Mastrosimone: "Gains in close cooperation with the objective of ensuring quality and diversity of training even with limited resources"
The Regional Council on a proposal to the Regional Training, Employment, Culture and Sport, Mastrosimone Rosa, approved the plan size educational institutions in the Basilicata region for the school year 2011/2012.
For the Province of power were set up 17 new branches of study, to be able to provide education and training in several areas, including for example:

  • ISIS Muro Lucano for social services and health;

  • address tourism, transport and logistics (nautical) at the ISIS Maratea

  • Sant'Arcangelo finance and marketing;

  • the address for the computer and telecommunications Lauria ;

  • etc.
For the Province of Matera invece, saranno 13 i nuovi indirizzi di studio tra i quali ricordo:

  • due licei musicali, uno a Matera e l’altro a Montalbano;

  • il liceo artistico con indirizzo Design - Audiovisivo e multimediale - Grafica – Scenografia presso l’Istituto “Carlo Levi” di Matera;

  • l’Istituto tecnico-economico-turismo per le relazioni internazionali e per il marketing a Bernalda e molti altri
.“Il Piano – sottolinea l’Assessore Mastrosimone – è il risultato di un’intensa concertazione con le Province, l'Anci, l'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale e i sindacati ed accoglie le indicazioni pervenute by the Provincial Government of Potenza and Matera, which have drawn up their plans based on provincial guidelines provided by the Region. We've tried to - the exponent continues to come - to accommodate all requests coming from the area in order to avoid inefficiency and create discomfort, taking into account, however, the national legislation of reference and the parameters set by Presidential Decree 233/98 on Sizing school that sets a minimum limit of 300 students and a maximum of 900 to acquire or maintain the legal status of educational institutions. "" The ability to go below the minimum limit of 300 pupils - explains Mastrosimone - can essere autorizzata solo in caso di comuni montani o ricompresi in comunità montane o per territori caratterizzati da specificità linguistiche, nonché in presenza di Istituti Superiori con indirizzi formativi particolarmente specializzati e che presentino carattere di unicità sul territorio provinciale e regionale. Il limite massimo di 900 alunni, invece, potrà essere autorizzato solo in presenza di situazioni particolari, con l’obbligo di riportarlo a regime nell’arco del triennio 2011-2014. Obiettivo principale del Piano di dimensionamento scolastico 2011/2012– continua ancora Mastrosimone – è quello di garantire la qualità e la pluralità dell’offerta formativa scolastica regionale pur con la limitatezza resources. For this reason it is important to rationalize spending and better manage available resources, including through the establishment of comprehensive schools and omincomprensivi, in order to ensure a school complex in reality every city. "The word will now evaluate the Board's Committees authorities and the Regional Council for final approval, "that - explains the commissioner - expected to happen by next January 30 in the first place to ensure students a choice of addresses and the schools they like, and also, not least because the transfer of teachers and school staff must be made within il 5 febbraio


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