L'impatto della crisi sull'occupazione e sui redditi si è tradotto in una diminuzione della spesa per consumi finali che ha prodotto – e continuerà a produrre – i propri effetti sull'intera rete di vendita sia attraverso modifiche strutturali che mediante l'individuazione di nuovi e più efficienti canali di approvvigionamento. All'andamento negativo del fatturato del dettaglio fisso, stimato nel 2009 pari a -1,3% (-0,4% nel 2008), ha corrisposto un ulteriore shift in market shares in favor of modern distribution than traditional sales channels have passed through the modern fact consolidated the positions reached in the previous year, rising by 0.5% (in 2008 the increase had been 1 , 6%), while for the years of small size was recorded for the second consecutive year, a major decline in business volume (-2.5% in 2009 and -1.8% in 2008). The decline in consumption has therefore produced its effects on the structure of the distribution: the total number of active stores has fallen by more than 3,500 units, confirming the downward trend begun in 2008. In this context, therefore, only the modern distribution channels consolidate its growth, not only in terms of revenues but also as the number of outlets.
Read Dossier "Trade, Report on the distribution system in 2009"
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