The safety of schools from the decisions of the CIPE
€ 358 million will be allocated to the securing of 1600 school buildings on approximately 6 thousand registered .
It 'was decided in the meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning which was held at Palazzo Chigi on May 13 last year. More € 420 million are expected to complete the monitoring of buildings. The budget for the school building is part of the Infrastructure Fund and amounts to a total of 765 million. "The final allocation of 358 million euro is a major achievement. Thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Infrastructure has been allocated 100 million more than the total funds invested in the last three years" . He said in a statement the Minister of Education, Mariastella Gelmini. "The government - concluded Gelmini - will continue to work on this front as it has done by supporting the special plan for the safety of buildings scolastici che il Miur ha stabilito il 28 gennaio 2009. Il nostro prossimo passo è il completamento del monitoraggio degli edifici, in vista di un successivo stanziamento di 420 milioni di euro". L'accordo sul primo stralcio relativo al piano per la messa in sicurezza degli edifici scolastici era stato raggiunto nella Conferenza Unificata del 29 aprile scorso.
Leggi in sicurezza delle scuole tra le decisioni del Cipe"
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