The First is the question of privatization the cemetery and asked to ' Municipal Administration as a means to resolve the situation of citizens affected by a death are not buying the tablets, sold in a monopoly and cost-free clarity. Also in ' question is asked the relevant bodies (Municipal Secretary) the reasons for which has not started the process of municipal referendum on the privatization process , omitting the provisions in the Statute and municipal regulations.
the second concerns precarious the City and their stabilization .
The Third the work is not completed after rain damage this winter.
The fourth state of abandonment and neglect of the parking building " Tozia" .
>>> 03/06/2010 The City Council of the ' Municipal Administration has responded to our questions :
Privatization the cemetery :
- the Town Clerk was not able to answer us on ITER municipal referendum (if next week we will not have clear answers to take serious measures )
- after the answer ambiguous Deputy Mayor on the situation created by the sale of headstones, we presented a motion I asked the liberalization. Such a motion after a meeting of the Majority Councillors (including Councillor also Ceffalia Joseph) was voted unanimously.
's Administration is scrambling outlining not no way for the 23 Co.Co.Co. del nostro Comune, ma questo non può essere accettato e quindi il nostro Gruppo Consiliare ha annunciato che in fase di Bilancio di previsione presenterà una variazione per destinare le risorse necessarie alla trasformazione dei 23 Co.Co.Co. in contratti di Diritto Privato. Abbiamo proposto inoltre che per rispettare il Patto di Stabilità si taglino le altre spese superflue del nostro Comune.
Lavori non completati dopo i danni provocati dalle piogge di questo inverno:
il giorno dopo che abbiamo presentato l' interrogazione è stato completato qualche punto critico, ma per il resto dei lavori si aspetta l' approvazione Budget because companies that have done the work have been paid only part of it.
Parking Tozia :
after three questions on the same subject 's Administration has put us aware that the company that was doing the work failed, and for the completion work is not facing a short time.