Mastrosimone Rosa (photo) Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
Just a day away from the designation, the Regional Council composed of the President, Vito De Filippo, is already in the first reshuffle. This morning, in fact, the governor announced that Donato Viggiano, ENEA researchers and external component of the executive with the delegation of Culture and Education, has been replaced by Rosa Mastrosimone (in the last legislature Regional Council, the first non-elected Matera Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the list in the elections of 28 and 29 March. During the presentation of the Executive to reporters this morning, De Filippo said Viggiano measured, together with him and with the leaders of Enea "a certain incompatible role, even politics. Therefore, this has re-opened the front on the second largest party in the coalition, or the Italy of Values. " De Filippo said the IDV "welcomed the innovative scheme and I pointed to a woman," just the Mastrosimone. With the appointment of the latter, who also received the delegation of administrative simplicity, the Regional Government of Basilicata is composed of half women, three in all six components.
filmed by Radio Television of Southern TRM
The new junta
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