La determina del Sindaco N. 3 del 25/01/2010 nomina il nuovo assessore e assegna le deleghe assessoriali .
Il Sindaco Gaetano Caramanno si è tenuto le deleghe più importanti (Bilancio, Urban Planning, Social Services, Projects, 328/2000, Project Financing , Cure, Private Building, Main Events and others).
Antonella Camarda, left the position of City Councillor to be appointed Deputy Mayor , with responsibility for Innovation culture, Equal opportunities, transparency and others.
Alberto Petta appointed Deputy Mayor for Growth (most other proxies).
Raspberry Andrea is the new entry, even though he had already served as Deputy Mayor in the past sindacatura for a short period, removed and immediately appointed by the Mayor. He should major powers: Technological innovation, Computerisation , Adoption system wirelerss , Internet access, Video Monitoring, Traffic Signs, Reports to the City Council and others.
Life Bovi is confirmed Councillor with responsibility for Improving the quality of life of residents and students, starting the Sports Palace, Cinema Vicari, Urban Park Activities, Sport and plant sports, plus other.
They are my best wishes, hoping that they are not removed prior to prove their worth and hoping that fail to reach in a bad light for inappropriate choices as well as in the past for example with € 2,600 to buy sweets on the eve of Christmas 2008 with municipal funds intended for social activities .
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