E 'of fundamental importance that the City Council of Plain gives a strong message against this rule, which could mark a retreat from the fight against organized crime. The community of Piana has historically been a bulwark against crime and now after decades of battles, cooperatives and social activities with dedication and devotion to manage the assets that were once the Mafia, prove that there is a real chance for change .
SUBJECT: Introduction of the possibility of sale of property confiscated from the mafia
The City Council
the law of 7 marzo 1996, n. 109 ”Disposizioni in materia di gestione di beni sequestrati o confiscati” e l’Articolo 2-undecies – Comma 2 della Legge 575/65 in materia di “Disposizioni contro la mafia”, che escludono la possibilità di vendita dei beni confiscati prevedendone l’esclusivo utilizzo a fini sociali direttamente da parte dello Stato o di soggetti del terzo settore;
la proposta di modifica n. 2.3000 testo 3 al DDL 1790 per la finanziaria 2010, approvato dal Senato il 13 novembre 2009;
in particolare article 2, paragraph 18 - sexiesvicies includes the introduction of the possibility of sale of property confiscated from the mafia;
the high risk in all areas with high mafia infiltration sale of property confiscated means nothing more than a new possibility of purchase by the owners of the proceeding;
the need to increase efforts in the fight against organized crime and the mafia operating in the territory of our country;
the importance of permanently removing certain criminal organizations and the enormous wealth accumulated through illegal activities;
the symbolic view of confiscated property used for social, cultural, aggregation, available to the entire population of the town, the neighborhood where is located the property;
expresses its concern that the introduction of this rule could cause absolute uncertainty the use of confiscated property and thus be an element of weakness in the fight against organized crime;
Parliament and in particular the Chamber of Deputies to withdraw this amendment that would significantly undermine the legal system to combat the mafia has the confiscation of assets and their use for social purposes one of the most effective anti- organized crime.
al Presidente del Consiglio Comunale di trasmettere il testo dell’Ordine del Giorno al Presidente della Repubblica, al Presidente del Senato, al Presidente della Camera e al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri.
Piana degli Albanesi, 26/11/2009
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