By Regulation finally approved by the Council of 22 July 2010 ministridel completes the reform of the economic importance of local public services which include waste collection, local public iltrasporto and management of water resources. The regolamentofissa clear rules for the competitions, so questeconsentano in a transparent way to select the operator can more efficientein di offrire tariffe più basse. Perchè le gare e irapporti tra ente affidante e soggetto gestore siano chiari e trasparenti,il regolamento introduce motivi di incompatibilità per chi ricopreo ha ricoperto funzioni di amministratore nell'ente affidante vietandoa costoro di occuparsi della gestione del servizio. Il regolamento miraad impedire l’acquisizione di posizioni di vantaggio nel settore deiservizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, con la finalitàdi favorire la più ampia diffusione dei principi di concorrenza,di libertà e di libera prestazione dei servizi per tutti gli operatorieconomici interessati, nonché di garantire il diritto di tutti gliutenti all’universalità ed accessibilità dei servizipubblici locali ed the basic level of benefits. Inoltreentro year provided for the establishment of an authority "third" pearl adjustment of tariffs. One important reform that concerns the attuazionedella liberalization of local public services, one of the points criticitànell'ambito management of local governments. Saràpiù not possible to manage these services in-house but the management saràsoggetta to race. The measures were acquired opinions dellaConferenza Unified Council of State Boards of parlamentari.Restano excluding electricity and gas services as giàregolamentati by specific rules.
Read Reform of local public services, economic importance
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hard Lump In Groin After Catherization
Piana degli Albanesi: il Consiglio abbassa l'aliquota ICI.
Nella seduta di Consiglio Comunale del 15 Giungo 2010 è stata abbassata l'aliquota dell'imposta comunale sugli immobili. L'aliquota ordinaria passa per l'anno 2010 dal 6 al 5 per mille, una riduzione di quasi il 20% per le famiglie di Piana. Adesso l'Ente Comunale dovrà avviare tutte le procedure per rimborsare i cittadini che già hanno pagato la tassa applicando la vecchia tariffa.

La Proposta, avanzata per alleggerire la pressione fiscale delle famiglie in questa fase di difficoltà economica ha avuto i voti favorevoli del nostro Gruppo Consiliare "Alternativa per Piana" ( Scalia Vito, Stassi Giorgio, Riolo Vito, Cuccia Giancarlo) e dei Cons . Bovì Giovanni, Ceffalia Giuseppe e Imbordino Giuseppe. Si sono astenuti invece i Consiglieri Petta Rosario, Pecoraro Giorgio, Geraci Gianpiero e Riela Serena.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Chikan Groping On Train
SOD: Guinta of the Basilicata Region approves list of interventions
The Regional Government of Basilicata has approved the ranking of the Integrated packages of Tourist Offer (SOD) following the announcement released late last year. Actions eligible for funding are 11 in total, for amounts varying from 7 to 15 million euro each and a total of 110 million euro, of which 60 have already been assigned and the remainder to be activated with the release of funds Fas.
I have mountains of Basilicata Piot approved (involving the area of \u200b\u200bthe Camastra Alto Sauro) SOD Northern Area (Vulture and Melfi), between Nature and Culture Welfare Pollino (Pollino National Park), SOD Matera (Matera Hill and Matera), SOD-Terre di Feudi Frederick Aristeo (Bradano Alto - Alto Basento), Basilicata Naturacultura (diffuse Area Network), Mountain areas of emotions Cognato Dolomite Lucane Potentino Gallipoli (Gallipoli Cognato Mountain Park Area of \u200b\u200bPotenza), Maratea land and sea (Area Maratea), SOD Metapontino Low Sinni (Metapontino and internal), Lucania Old Wine Nature and Culture (Melandri and Marmo Platano) and Val d'Agri, Appennino Lucano Lagonegrese (Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese Appennino Lucano). plans include, inter alia, that a quarter of the funds are used for the construction of infrastructure in the goods strictly functional tourist (wing assigned public component of the partnership) The remainder goes to aid to companies for investment, promotion and completion of the tourism industry. Managing Piot presents itself as a strong partnership that empowers the private component of the partnership. The structuring of integrated packages of tourism as a proto-built local tourist systems focus on 'pole' attractive regional and thematic networks, - involves the activation of innovative models of cooperation based on partnership between economic operators, social and public institutions. That is, the logic is reversed at the base of previous experiences, which have seen the public component of a project area to act as the main engine and make proposals dl based more on infrastructural development on private investment which, at a time sometimes not synchronous with the needs of private enterprises. The structure of Piot is divided into two modes, one focused on the aggregation territory, the other on that issue. The first is the organization of proto-local tourist systems, focusing on the 'poles of attraction' provided by the Regional Tourism Plan 2008/2010, as areas that already have an established tourist organization that produces results and facilitates the next step towards the formation of a local tourism system stable and permanent. The second mode, however, it is based on 'networks issues' of tourism targeted at specific segments of the tourism market, such as cultural tourism, nature, winter, spa, always identified by the Regional Tourism Plan.
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The Regional Government of Basilicata has approved the ranking of the Integrated packages of Tourist Offer (SOD) following the announcement released late last year. Actions eligible for funding are 11 in total, for amounts varying from 7 to 15 million euro each and a total of 110 million euro, of which 60 have already been assigned and the remainder to be activated with the release of funds Fas.
I have mountains of Basilicata Piot approved (involving the area of \u200b\u200bthe Camastra Alto Sauro) SOD Northern Area (Vulture and Melfi), between Nature and Culture Welfare Pollino (Pollino National Park), SOD Matera (Matera Hill and Matera), SOD-Terre di Feudi Frederick Aristeo (Bradano Alto - Alto Basento), Basilicata Naturacultura (diffuse Area Network), Mountain areas of emotions Cognato Dolomite Lucane Potentino Gallipoli (Gallipoli Cognato Mountain Park Area of \u200b\u200bPotenza), Maratea land and sea (Area Maratea), SOD Metapontino Low Sinni (Metapontino and internal), Lucania Old Wine Nature and Culture (Melandri and Marmo Platano) and Val d'Agri, Appennino Lucano Lagonegrese (Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese Appennino Lucano). plans include, inter alia, that a quarter of the funds are used for the construction of infrastructure in the goods strictly functional tourist (wing assigned public component of the partnership) The remainder goes to aid to companies for investment, promotion and completion of the tourism industry. Managing Piot presents itself as a strong partnership that empowers the private component of the partnership. The structuring of integrated packages of tourism as a proto-built local tourist systems focus on 'pole' attractive regional and thematic networks, - involves the activation of innovative models of cooperation based on partnership between economic operators, social and public institutions. That is, the logic is reversed at the base of previous experiences, which have seen the public component of a project area to act as the main engine and make proposals dl based more on infrastructural development on private investment which, at a time sometimes not synchronous with the needs of private enterprises. The structure of Piot is divided into two modes, one focused on the aggregation territory, the other on that issue. The first is the organization of proto-local tourist systems, focusing on the 'poles of attraction' provided by the Regional Tourism Plan 2008/2010, as areas that already have an established tourist organization that produces results and facilitates the next step towards the formation of a local tourism system stable and permanent. The second mode, however, it is based on 'networks issues' of tourism targeted at specific segments of the tourism market, such as cultural tourism, nature, winter, spa, always identified by the Regional Tourism Plan.
Source -
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